
Dentures are artificial substitutes for your natural teeth and the tissue that surrounds them. There are several different types of dentures, ranging from a complete set that replaces all of your teeth, to partial dentures designed to replace only a few missing teeth. 

Dentures help keep facial muscles from sagging, which can make a person look older. You will be able to eat and speak – something people often take for granted until they begin to lose their natural teeth. If you have had problems with your natural teeth for some time, you may have already had problems eating foods you want.

You will be able to smile confidently. Not everyone will need dentures in their lifetime. But for those who do need them, dentures can make it possible to continue living an enjoyable life.  

Off-the-shelf dentures, badly customized denture, or poorly-fitted dentures can cause chronic irritation, contributing to mouth sores and changes in the bone or gum tissues. We want you to enjoy a comfortable fit, so we will carefully measure and prepare your mouth for custom dentures that will provide you with maximum comfort and chewing efficiency while also restoring your smile.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss the type of denture that will work best for you. Your Advanced Gentle Smiles team team is ready to help you explore all the options available to you. They have the knowledge, experience and technology needed to fit you with a comfortable and reliable set of dentures that will allow you to easily and keep you smiling.


When most people think of dentures, they tend to picture complete dentures, which are full replacements for all of your teeth. This can be a full set of either upper or lower teeth, or a combined set for your entire mouth. Complete dentures have to be properly fitted for optimum comfort and can last 5 to 10 years given proper care. These can typically be made six months after tooth extraction, once your gums have had time to heal. 



Immediate dentures are put into place immediately after tooth extraction and are used as a temporary set while your bone and tissue stabilize following tooth extraction. There are a number of benefits to immediate dentures, although they may require frequent adjustments while your jaw heals into place.



Overdentures are similar to complete dentures. The difference is that not all teeth are extracted and one or more natural teeth are used for support. This type of denture provides greater stabilization during chewing. Overdentures can be more costly than complete dentures and usually require more appointments to get them properly fitted in place.



Partial dentures are designed to correct the gaps in your smile when only some of your teeth are missing. Metal attachments anchor the dentures to your natural teeth. Partial dentures maintain tooth alignment by preventing your remaining teeth from shifting. Partial dentures can also help you prevent further tooth loss due to decay or gum disease.